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Personalized guidance in facilitating your transformational needs. The entire process is geared towards allowing your personality to shine through your work and your personal purpose.
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Based on her qualification and experience, Thelma uses tools in mentoring that are based on:

  1. Yoga tradition (physical poses and movement, breath work), 

  2. The Chakra System (energy centers in our body and their relevance with our psychological tendencies),

  3. Emotional anatomy,

  4. Intuitive body exploration, and

  5. Facilitating Transformation through Value: Self    .


Please note that although some of the work may include mental-emotional-energetical integration which might include journeying deep within, mentoring maintains its focus on your professional and personal progress.


The focus is you, and that includes the crosscurrents you experienced, the things that trigger you, clarity in your belief system, and your awareness about your own responses. The mentoring process will be defined by your objectives; but moreover, it will lay a foundation to support you in the steps for long-term transformation in your field of work.

Some people will choose to have a “buddy” in their transformation journey and support each other. The objectives will be those that the pair agrees (Thelma will guide this process in a preliminary session), but will still have elements of individual transformation along the process. You don’t need to be business partners or have any other pre-existing partner relationship with each other. You can simply choose to pair up based on mutual or reinforcing objectives.


Furthermore, while the journey may be together, there are still elements of privacy for each participant. All practices and awareness can be discussed within this buddy-system, so there is a sense of inspiration from each other’s findings. Here, you will naturally practice trust, non-judgment, and beginner’s mind—applying these within the buddy-system. Those elements will go a long way in our lives.

The focus is on the common objectives of the group. There are two approaches: 

  1. You have a group of people that are connected personally or professionally and wish to work on a specific transformational journey. We can discuss the specifics.

  2. Occasionally Thelma opens up a mentoring program for the public with specific objectives. Everyone is welcome, but there is a registration form to assess whether the objective and the participants fit well together. One successful example from a past group mentoring program was called “Unpacking and Redirecting Beliefs” (2021) where the core topic was intense, the group dynamic was inspiring, the practices were challenging yet powerful, and the effect was profound.

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From Their Journey



Membantu diriku lebih fleksibel dan menerima dengan cara yang baik namun tetap pada batasan. Aku juga belajar cara berkomunikasi lebih baik dan memahami diri sendiri utamanya dan kepada orang lain. Secara tidak langsung ada mekanisme tertentu yang terbangun di dalam diriku. Ketakutan dan kekhawatiran yang aku miliki juga sedikit-sedikit terkikis.

Red Gerbera

Jane C.

Program mentoring yang diadakan di antara program-program lain membantu untuk lebih dalam mengolah isu saya karena lebih personalised. Ada teman seperjalanan yang bisa menjadi buddy dan partner juga sangat membantu dalam banyak hal, tidak hanya tidak merasa sendiri tapi juga ada partner mirroring yang saling menginspirasi dan mengingatkan.

White Flowers


Saya merasa dibimbing untuk melalui suatu journey ke arah  pengetahuan mendalam mengenai diri saya. Saya tidak menyangka banyak sekali hal yang saya dapatkan along the way. Impact-nya di kehidupan sehari-hari adalah saya lebih aware bila saya bersikap  tidak compassionate terhadap keluarga saya.


Tya (bukan nama sebenarnya)

‘Stuck Exercise’. Wah, ini favorit dan saya mempunyai catatan kecil setiap melakukan ini. Kadang saya langsung mengerti apa yang muncul dari pikiran saya itu. Kadang saya tidak mempedulikannya, lalu beberapa saat kemudian baru mengerti. Kadang juga saya biarkan tercatat tanpa mencari tahu apa arti dan maksudnya.


Dira (bukan nama sebenarnya)

Mentoring Program gives me the feeling that I am not alone. Not alone in the process. Knowing that we all are in the similar journey keeps me feeling supported. And it builds up my trust. Trust to myself, trust to the others, trust to the universe and most importantly trust to the process. 

Rose Flower


Saya belajar membuat priorias, meluaskan pikiran yang sepertinya terbatas, menerima diri sendiri dengan lembut, tanpa penghakiman walau terasa ada perbedaan dengan orang lain.


Melalui pergeseran belief system dan latihan untuk membuat tubuh dan energi terkoneksi dengan baik, saya pun akhirnya berani memutuskan untuk kembali bekerja. Suatu hal yang sebelumnya saya pikir tidak akan saya lakukan lagi.

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